When it comes to owning a home, every little bit of savings can help, and that's where the homestead exemption comes in.

The Homestead exemption is a legal provision that allows homeowners to save on their property taxes by reducing the assessed value of their primary residence. The exemption can provide significant savings for homeowners, and it's essential to understand what it is and how to apply for it.
In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the Homestead exemption, including eligibility requirements, the application process, and the benefits it provides. Whether you're a new homeowner or have owned your home for years, this guide will provide the information you need to take advantage of this valuable tax-saving opportunity.

What is a Homestead Exemption?
As mentioned this legal provision (Homestead Exemption) can provide homeowners with significant property tax savings. It is a type of exemption that is granted to property owners who use their property as their primary residence. The exemption reduces the taxable value of the property, which in turn lowers the amount of property tax owed. In some cases, the homestead exemption can result in thousands of dollars in tax savings for homeowners each year.
While the specifics of the homestead exemption can vary depending on the state or local jurisdiction, the general idea is the same. It is a way for homeowners to reduce their tax burden and keep more money in their pockets. In this article, we will explore Homestead Exemption in the state of Texas.

In Texas, the homestead exemption can lower property taxes, protect the home from creditors, and limit the amount that property taxes can increase over time. To be eligible for the homestead exemption, the homeowner must use the property as their primary residence. The homestead exemption works by exempting a portion of the home's value from property taxes. In Texas, the homestead exemption can exempt up to 20% of a home's assessed value from property taxes. For example, if a home is assessed at $200,000 and the homestead exemption is $20,000, the homeowner would only pay property taxes on $180,000.

The homestead exemption can also protect the home from creditors. If a homeowner defaults on a debt or is sued, the homestead exemption can protect the home from being seized or sold to satisfy the debt. In Texas, the homestead exemption can protect up to 10 acres of rural land or a single urban property of up to one acre.
Another benefit of the homestead exemption is that it can limit the amount that property taxes can increase over time. In Texas, the homestead exemption can limit the annual increase in property taxes to 10% of the previous year's appraised value. This can help homeowners avoid unexpected spikes in their property tax bills.

Who is eligible for a Homestead exemption:
here are some specific examples of who is eligible and who is not for the Homestead Exemption in Texas:
Homeowners who own and occupy their home as their primary residence on January 1st of the year in which they are applying for the exemption.
Homeowners who are purchasing a home and intend to use it as their primary residence by January 1st of the year in which they are applying for the exemption.
Homeowners who are over 65 years old, disabled, or a disabled veteran.
Not eligible:
Homeowners who rent out their property.
Homeowners who own multiple properties and do not use the property as their primary residence.
Homeowners who have a residence in another state or country and do not use the property as their primary residence.
Homeowners who do not own the property as of January 1st of the year in which they are applying for the exemption.

How to Apply for a Homestead Exemption in Texas
To qualify for a homestead exemption in Texas, you must own and occupy your home as your primary residence as of January 1st of the year in which you are applying. You can only claim one homestead exemption per year, and the application deadline is April 30th.
To apply for a homestead exemption in Texas, you'll need to provide the following documentation:
A completed application form: You can get an application form from your county appraisal district's website or office or just click here. Make sure to fill out the form accurately and completely.
Proof of residency: You'll need to provide proof that you owned and lived in your home as of January 1st of the year in which you are applying. This can include a copy of your Texas driver's license, a voter registration card, or utility bills that show your name and address.
Proof of ownership: You'll also need to provide proof of ownership of the property, such as a copy of your deed or title.
Once you have all of the necessary documentation, you can submit your application to your county appraisal district. You can do this by mail or in person at their office.
It's important to note that if you purchase a new home or move to a new primary residence, you'll need to reapply for a homestead exemption for that property. Additionally, if you are over 65 years old or disabled, you may qualify for additional exemptions or discounts on your property taxes.

Pitfalls and Checklist for Application
While applying for homestead exemption can be a relatively simple process, there are a few mistakes that homeowners should avoid to ensure their application is approved.
First, be sure to apply within the designated timeframe. In Texas, the deadline for filing a homestead exemption is April 30th of the year following the purchase of the home.
Second, make sure to submit all necessary documentation, including proof of residency and ownership. Third, double-check that the application is complete and accurate before submitting it. Any mistakes or missing information can delay or even invalidate the application.
Here is a checklist to guide you through the application process:
Determine if you are eligible for homestead exemption.
Obtain the necessary application form from your county’s appraisal district.
Fill out the application completely and accurately.
Attach any required documentation, such as proof of residency and ownership.
Submit the application before the deadline.
By following these steps and avoiding common mistakes, homeowners can successfully apply for homestead exemption and enjoy its benefits.

In conclusion, Homestead exemption is a valuable benefit available to homeowners in Texas that can lower property taxes and protect their homes from creditors. Homeowners who meet the eligibility requirements should consider applying for homestead exemption to take advantage of these benefits.
Remember that the application deadline is April 30th of the year following the purchase of the home, and all necessary documentation must be submitted with the application.
Homeowners who are unsure if they are eligible or have questions about the application process can contact their county’s appraisal district for assistance.
At the end of the day, applying for a Homestead exemption is a simple way to save money and protect your home. So, if you’re eligible, don’t hesitate to apply – it’s a decision that can benefit you for years to come.
Gabriel and Kristina
The Zachary Team and San Antonio's REALTOR® Couple
Disclaimer: It's important to note that the writer of this article is not an expert in Taxes or Tax Laws.
The information provided in this article is solely for the purpose of helping and should not be considered absolute, and readers should seek professional guidance before making any decisions.